Wade Eyerly
Founder, Education Insurance Co.Focused on tackling the crippling student loan crisis with a new financial instrument that will de-risk the return on educational investment.
About Wade
Wade is bringing transformative ideas to upend entrenched, broken industries.
A four-time founder, systems thinker, and operator, Wade has a unique ability to discover untapped opportunities across multiple industries. Wade’s first venture brought major innovation to the airline industry. He’s taking that same thinking into education by creating a new asset class to transform student debt into an insurance product.
Founder, Education Insurance Corporation
EIC is restoring the American Dream by removing the risks inherent in seeking higher education.
Founder, CEO
The world’s first all-you-can-fly subscription airline. Wade led the company through 3 rounds of financing (~$17MM), took it to 81 employees and $7MM+ in annual revenues.
Full bio
What Wade is working on
The student loan crisis is having a multi-generational impact on millions of American families. It doesn't have to be this way.
EIC’s mission is to ensure that the American Dream is achievable. They do this by creating new financial instruments that will de-risk the return on educational investment, increase graduation rates and, in so doing, improve the income mobility of virtually all Americans.